Statistics — Quick Math Intuitions Sharing quick intuitions for math ideas Thu, 08 Mar 2018 17:55:17 +0000 en-US hourly 1 The meaning of F Value in the Analysis of Variance for Linear regression Mon, 05 Jun 2017 09:36:02 +0000 This is a sample output for linear regression: The F Value is computed by dividing the value in the Mean Square column for Model with the value in the Mean…

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This is a sample output for linear regression:

Linear regression output

The F Value is computed by dividing the value in the Mean Square column for Model with the value in the Mean Square column for Error. In our example, it’s 178.11288/5.34346 = 33.33.

There are two possible interpretations for the F Value in the Analysis of Variance table for the linear regression.

  1. We are comparing the variances of the model and of the error.
    The two factors represent each the numerator of the variance of the model and of the error. What do we want? The only hypothesis of the linear regression model is that \epsilon is a normal variable with zero mean. Thus we want a small variance for the error, so we can say the errors are close to zero.
  2. We are comparing the model with all the variables with the model with only the intercept as variable.

This ambiguity exists because \|\^{y} - \overline{y}\| can either be seen as the numerator of the variance of y, or as a comparison between the complete model \^{y} and the reduced model in which only the intercept is used.

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On the meaning of hypothesis and p-value in statistical hypothesis testing Thu, 01 Jun 2017 09:36:29 +0000 Statistical hypothesis testing is really an interesting topic. I’ll just briefly sum up what statistical hypothesis testing is about, and what you do to test an hypothesis, but will assume…

The post On the meaning of hypothesis and p-value in statistical hypothesis testing appeared first on Quick Math Intuitions.

Statistical hypothesis testing is really an interesting topic. I’ll just briefly sum up what statistical hypothesis testing is about, and what you do to test an hypothesis, but will assume you are already familiar with it, so that I can quickly cover a couple of A-HAs moments I had.

In statistical hypothesis testing, we

  • have some data, whatever it is, which we imagine as being values of some random variable;
  • make an hypothesis about the data, such as that the expected value of the random variable is \mu;
  • find a distribution for any affine transformation of the random variable we are making inference about – this is the test statistic;
  • run the test, i.e. numerically say how much probable how observations were in relation to the hypothesis we made.

I had a couple of A-HA moments I’d like to share.

There is a reason why this is called hypothesis testing and not hypothesis choice. There are indeed two hypothesis, the null and the alternative hypothesis. However, their roles are widely different! 90% of what we do, both from a conceptual and a numerical point of view, has to do with the null hypothesis. They really are not symmetric. The question we are asking is “With the data I have, am I certain enough my null hypothesis no longer stands?” not at all “With the data I have, which of the two hypothesis is better?”

In fact, the alternative hypothesis is only relevant in determining what kind of alternative we have: whether it’s one-sided (and which side) or two-sided. This affects calculations. But other than that, the math doesn’t really care about the specific value of the alternative. In other words, the two following test are really equivalent:

\mu_0 = 5
\mu_1 = 7

\mu_0 = 5
\mu_1 = 700

This accounts for why, when evaluating a p-value, we refuse the null hypothesis only for very low figures. The way I first thought about it had been: “Well, the p-value is, intuitively, a measure of the proximity of the observed data to the null hypothesis. Then, if I get something around 0.30, I should refuse the null hypothesis and switch to the alternative, as it seems a better theory.” But this is a flawed argument indeed. To see if the alternative was really better I should run a test using it as principal hypothesis! We refuse for very low p-values because that means we null hypothesis really isn’t any more good, and should be thrown to the bin. Then we need to care about finding another good theory that can suit the data.

However, before throwing the current theory out of the window, we don’t accept all kinds of evidence against it: we want a very strong evidence. We don’t want to discard the current theory for another that could only be marginally better. It must be crushingly better!

The post On the meaning of hypothesis and p-value in statistical hypothesis testing appeared first on Quick Math Intuitions.

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