I read in several books and online pages that hash tables should use a prime number for the size. Nobody really justified this statement properly. Here’s my attempt! I believe…
Metaphysics on geometric distribution in probability theory
I realized geometric distribution is not exactly about the time needed to get the first success in a given number of trials. This is a very odd feeling. It is…
Random variables: what are they and why are they needed?
This article aims at providing some intuition for what random variables are and why random variables are useful and needed in probability theory. Intuition for random variables Informally speaking, random variables…
Relationship between reduced rings, radical ideals and nilpotent elements
This post aims at providing some intuition and meaning for the following algebra relationship: Reduced ring – Radical ideal – Nilpotent Reduced ring – Radical ideal – Nilpotent A basic…
Quick method to find line of shortest distance for skew lines
In linear algebra it is sometimes needed to find the equation of the line of shortest distance for two skew lines. What follows is a very quick method of finding…
A temperature instability in our FEM model
The geometry The simulation domain is 30×1 km, depicting a fjord. The right boundary faces the open ocean, the horizontal top boundary faces the atmosphere, the bottom is the bedrock,…